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Best Months To Visit Sun Island Resort & Spa, Maldives

Last updated: November 2024
  • ⭐ Perfect times to visit: February and March.
  • 👍 Good times to visit: Early December to early April.
  • ☔ Worst times to visit: Between May-October.

The ideal time to visit Sun Island Resort is between February and March according our analysis of historical weather records for the resort's exact location. However there is also good weather throughout early December all the way to early April. The worst time to visit is between May-October. These months have higher rainfall, cloud cover, and wind.

See our Sun Island weather rating for every day of the year in the chart below, or search weather for another resort

Monthly temperatures for Sun Island Resort

Temperatures are generally flat across the year, with highs and lows ranging between 27-29 'C. Humidity is also very consistent, at 75-80% year-round. After accounting for humidity, the temperature will feel like it’s in the region 31-32 'C, with a slight up-tick to 34 'C in April and May. Tap or hover on the chart to see extra detail.

Monthly cloud and rainfall for Sun Island Resort

There are two distinct seasons for cloud and rain: the dry season lasts from mid-December to mid-April, with the least cloud and rain in late February / early March.

By contrast, the wet season starts in late April, peaking in early June and only dies down in November/December:

In terms of wind, there is a pleasant breeze from November to April, but high winds coming from the west between May-October. The eastern side of the island will be more sheltered during this time.

Sun Island Resort Location

Our weather data is based on the exact location of Sun Island Resort. Want to see weather for another hotel? Click here to search typical weather conditions for any hotel in the Maldives.

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